1VOTES VOTE Learn Rigid-Body Heat Transfer Equations With C++ Builder Yılmaz Yörü Thermodynamics one of the engineering areas that we work in and it is expressed by a mathematical framework of thermodynamic equations which relate various thermodynamic quantities and physical properties measured in a laboratory or production process. It is… … Read more 4 years ago in 7 Diagonal Matrix, C++, Code, Conduction, Convection, Heat Transfer, Seven Diagonal Matrix, SOR Method, Successive Over Relaxation, Thermodynamics 0
1VOTES VOTE Solve MILLIONS of Unknowns In Equations – We Show You How! Yılmaz Yörü C++ is a great programming language to calculate engineering problems, it is one of the best for those operations. Delphi is also a faster compiled programming language that you can use in engineering problems. In… … Read more 4 years ago in 3 Diagonal Matrix, 5 Diagonal Matrix, 7 Diagonal Matrix, C++, Code, Iteration, matrix, SOR, Successive Over Relaxation 0