Muhammad Azizul Hakim
Did you know it’s easy to make use of some truly excellent Python libraries to super-charge your Delphi app development on Windows? Adding Python to your toolbox of Delphi code can enhance your app development,… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , Code , data science , deep learning , Delphi , Development On Windows , image classification , learn delphi , Learn Python , Machine Learning , matplotlib , matplotlib4d , programming , PyScripter , python4delphi , RAD Studio , resnet34 , scientific computation , TPythonEngine , TPythonGUIInputOutput , TPythonModule , TPythontype , TPythonVersions , windows , windows app
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ developer friends, Welcome to our regular our regular round-up of all the great things you can use to make a C++ app. C++ Builder is a great C++ IDE and compiler, that has… … Read more
3 years ago in activation function , AI , ANN , artificial intelligence , Artificial Neural Network , C++ , c++ app , Code , Constructors , destructor , Gaussian Activation Function , Implicitly Defined Destructor , nn , Sigmoid Function , Standard Logistic Function , String Grid , table , TStringGrid , Typical Declaration of a Destructor
Softacom Information
Today AI technologies boast high popularity and demand in many spheres of our life. For example, AI is used for face identification on smartphones. On social networks, we have the possibility to add different effects… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , ai image processing , ai vision , Code , colorization , cross platform apps , DeepAi , Delphi , Embarcadero , graphics , Image processing , Softacom , Tech Partner , techpartner
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, is packed full of great articles for professionals and beginners alike. The posts vary from articles suitable for people who are just starting to learn C++ – basics like string handling, pointers,… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , ANN , artificial intelligence , Artificial Neural Network , Artificial Neuron Model , Bit Shifting , C++ , cbuilder , Code , DataBindings , decode , Decoding , encode , Encoding , learn c++ , LiveBindings , programming , Rectified Linear Function , ReLU , std::vector , string , stringgrid , TStringGrid , Vectors , wstring
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
Do you want to add advanced & blazing fast Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities to your GUI app? This post will get you to understand how to use spaCy Python Library using Python4Delphi (P4D) in…… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , analyze syntax , cbuilder , Delphi , find named entities phrases and concepts to any given documents , GuiProgramming , Learn Python , natural language processing , nlp , programming , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , spaCy , windows , windows app
Derek Johnson
There’s no denying the tumult, horrors and massive loss of life during World War II. But, as is often the case, from this environment of desperation and hardship sprang many technological advances. Alan Turing, helped… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , C++ , cbuilder , Delphi , Machine Learning , News , programming , RAD Studio , whitepaper
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, This week we released new posts about very basic introduction level AI technologies in for professionals and beginners. In these articles, we try to explain how AI works at the programming level and… … Read more
3 years ago in activation function , AI , artificial intelligence , Artificial Neural Network , Artificial Neuron Model , Binary Function , C++ , Code , ELU , Exponential Linear Unit , Gaussian Error Linear Unit , GELU , Mish Function , programming , Soft Plus , Step Function
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
Are you looking for a powerful face detector library and build a nice GUI for them? Try Face Recognition library for Python. To create the GUI you can use the excellent Python4Delphi (P4D). P4D is…… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , cbuilder , Delphi , delphi vcl , dlib , Face Recognition , GuiProgramming , Image processing , Learn Python , pil , Pillow , programming , Python , python gui , python4delphi , windows , windows app
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
Are you looking for a powerful computer vision library and build a nice GUI for them? Try Mahotas library for Python. For the GUI part, you can run it seamlessly with Python4Delphi (P4D). P4D is…… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , cbuilder , computer vision , Delphi , delphi vcl , GuiProgramming , Learn Python , Mahotas , programming , Python , python gui , python4delphi , windows , windows app
MNIST – Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology is the crucible of a comprehensive computer vision database. Since its release in 1999, MNIST’s classic dataset of handwritten pictures has been accepted as the foundation… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , artificial intelligence , Delphi , delphi object detection , Delphi Programming , delphi tensorflow tutorial , digit classifier , machine learning in delphi , number detection , programming , RAD Studio , tensorflow , tensorflow delphi , tensorflow lite module
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
What is Artificial Intelligence? In general, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. Why is Artificial Intelligence…… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , artificial intelligence , Bokeh , Code , computer vision , data visualization , deep learning , Delphi , DL , EasyOCR , GenSim , keras , Machine Learning , ML , natural language processing , nlp , NLTK , opencv , Optical Character Recognition , programming , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , pytorch , RAD Studio , scikit-learn , Seaborn , tensorflow , windows
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
What is REST Architecture? REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is a web standards-based architecture and uses HTTP Protocol. It revolves around a resource where every component is a resource and a resource is…… … Read more
3 years ago in AI , API , Automation , business , Code , data collection , Delphi , email validation. email verification , fraud detection , geolocation , ip address , ipstack , mailboxlayer , programming , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , requests , REST , scrapestack , Security , seo , serp , serpstack , weather , weather forecast , weatherstack , web crawling , Web scraping , windows