Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, this week, we have 2 great articles about some of the methods of std::string and std::wstring. We have also a topic about the std::make_from_tuple function template. If you still haven&… … Read more
10 months ago in append, assign(), C++, c++17, Code, copy, cpp, insert, make_from_tuple, programming, RAD Studio, replace, std::make_from_tuple, std::string, std::wstring, string, wstring
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ and Delphi Developers, Today we are looking at strings, mostly String Operations in your Modern C++ app. We also added some older functions or methods which are still popular C and C++ string… … Read more
2 years ago in append, C++, char array, character, Code, find_first_of, find_last_of, sentence, string, strings, substring, Text, Word, wstring
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, Today we cover a variety of topics about strings, which mostly include String Operations in Modern C++ software. We will learn more string operations, mostly about wide strings (std::wstring). We will explain… … Read more
3 years ago in append, C++, c++ software, Code, compare, convert, IDE, IntToStr, join, printf, programming, replace, std::string, std::wstring, string, TwineCompile, UnicodeString, wide string, wstring