Milton Coyne
Most of the desktop and laptop computers sold today are solely based on the x86 CPU architecture family. Both Intel and AMD dominated the market for years, making them a crucial part of Windows application… … Read more
2 years ago in apple , apple ARM , Apple ARM Silicon , ARM , Coding , data , Delphi , Learn , learn delphi , object pascal , programming , Videos
Adam Leone
When choosing the best app builder software for Mac, we use many heuristics and yardsticks to measure and justify our decision. But the irony is if our decision is wrong, our company and our client… … Read more
3 years ago in 64Bit , android , App Builder Software for Mac , AppStore , ARM , C++ , Cloud , cross-platform , Delphi , Embarcadero , firedac , firepower , game development , High-DPI , HTTP , IDC , IDE , Intel , ios , linux , m1 , Mac , macos , native , NoCode , PAServer , Platform Assistant Server , Productivity , programming , RAD Studio , REST , Xcode
When working with converging algorithms, sometimes floating code can become very slow. That is: orders of magnitude slower than you would expect. A very interesting answer to [Wayback] c++ – Why does changing 0.1f to… … Read more
3 years ago in .NET , algorithms , ARM , Assembly Language , C++ , Delphi , Development , Software Development , x64 , x86
Milton Coyne
Now that Windows 11 will shortly be available to everyone, a vast number of changes are expected to happen after the massive upgrade. While Windows 10 is already taking advantage of the recent versions of… … Read more
3 years ago in ARM , Coding , data , Delphi , Intel , Intel x86 , Learn , learn delphi , object pascal , programming , tcoffee and code , Videos , Windows 11 , Windows 11 on ARM
Jim McKeeth
In the next TCoffeeAndCode session at noon CDT on June 30th, we are taking a look at Delphi 10.4.2 on the new desktop Arm based Apple M1 CPU with both MacOS and Windows 10, with… … Read more
4 years ago in ARM , Delphi , RAD Studio , Webinar