Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, At the time this post was written we are reaching the end of a very hot summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Wherever you are in the World I hope you’re all keeping… … Read more
3 years ago in Bit Shifting, C++, char, char array, Code, date, datetime, IDE, insert, left bit shifting, programming, RAD Studio, replace, right bit shifting, std::string, std::wstring, string, substring, time, wstring
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello Great C++ Developers, C++ Builder is a great C++ code editor and compiler to build wonderful C++ apps, that have a lot of modern features, and this is another amazing week with a lot of new… … Read more
3 years ago in 5 Diagonal Matrix, Bit Shifting, Bitwise Operation, C++, C++ Code Editor, Code, erase, IDE, Implicit Equation, Iteration Method, matrix, programming, RAD Studio, sharpen effect, std::wstring, swscanf, TSharpenEffect, wide string, wstring
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, LearnCPlusPlus.org is packed full of great articles for professionals and beginners alike. The posts vary from articles suitable for people who are just starting to learn C++ – basics like string handling, pointers,… … Read more
3 years ago in AI, ANN, artificial intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, Artificial Neuron Model, Bit Shifting, C++, cbuilder, Code, DataBindings, decode, Decoding, encode, Encoding, learn c++, LiveBindings, programming, Rectified Linear Function, ReLU, std::vector, string, stringgrid, TStringGrid, Vectors, wstring
Yılmaz Yörü
Happy New Year to All Developers, We had a great year, 2021 passed by full of new C++ posts in LearnCPlusPlus.org with great articles for professionals and beginners, most examples were compatible with different C++ IDE software… … Read more
3 years ago in activation function, ANN, artificial intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, Bit Shifting, C++, Code, DataBindings, Decoding, Decoding File, Encoding, Encoding File, LiveBindings, programming, Rectified Linear Function, ReLU, string, stringgrid, TStringGrid, Vectors, Wide Strings
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, Rad Studio 11 Alexandria has been released on 9th September 2021. This release introduces several new features of C++ Builder and Delphi programming languages, enhancements, and quality updates and bugfixes. Some of… … Read more
3 years ago in Bit Shifting, C++, calloc, Circular Shifting, Code, ExcludeTrailingBackslash, file name, free, HasExtension, HasValidFileNameChars, HasValidPathChars, IncludeTrailingBackslash, malloc, programming, SameFileName
Yılmaz Yörü
What is the fastest data encoding and decoding method? What is the fasted method of securing your data? Can we use shifting to encode or decode a data or file? Can we use shifting on… … Read more
4 years ago in Bit, Bit Shifting, Bitwise Operation, C++, Circular Shifting, Code, Decoding, Decoding File, Encoding, Encoding File, Shifting