What, precisely, do we mean by native app development? What is a native user experience or native developer experience? What are the pros of native app development? Why has Native Windows development come storming back… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , C++ Builder , c++ builder firemonkey , cbuilder , Delphi , delphi cross platform development , delphi firemonkey , delphi native windows development , delphi vcl programming , delphi win32 , native development , native windows development , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , visual component library , Win32 , windows , Windows 11 , windows 11 development
Yılmaz Yörü
C++ is an immensely powerful programming language and one of the world’s most with many ready-made variables, functions, methods, namespaces and libraries to enable you to write almost any app you could ever want. Using… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , Code , compile , compiler , modern c++ , Modern C++17 , programming , visual component library
Adam Leone
Today is an exciting and dynamic time to be a developer. Technology advances seem to have accelerated and, with this, our software projects seem to paradoxically expand and shrink simultaneously. They expand because more devices… … Read more
3 years ago in artificial intelligence , assembly , Assembly Language , BlockChain , Builds , C++ , Code , Compilation Speed , cross-platform , database , Delphi , desktop apps , Developers , Embarcadero , FireMonkey , FMX , Framework , game engine , History Of Delphi , IDE , InterBase , iot , java , javascript , JVM , low code , Low Code Wizards , microsoft , Native App Development , No Code , One Million Lines Of Code , programming , RAD Studio , software , Tech Partner , vcl , virtual machines , visual component library , Web Apps , windows , Windows 10 App Development
Yılmaz Yörü
C++ is probably the most powerful programming language and one of the world’s most popular programming languages with many variables, functions, methods, namespaces and libraries to help you solve a multitude of problems. Using a… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , C++ Builder , C++ Code Editor , C++ Example , C++ IDE , Code , develop windows software , IDE , programming , RAD Studio , Simple Application , Simple C++ , Visual C++ , Visual C++ Example
Adam Leone
Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language which was first launched 31 years ago. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and excellent libraries. It consistently appears in lists of the top programming languages, so… … Read more
3 years ago in Apache Groovy , Atom , C++ , Code , Delphi , Delphi4Python , Electron , Emacs , Free IDLE , IDE , java , Kotlin , Notepad , Open Source , pascal , plugin , pycharm , Pydev , PyScripter , Python Development Tool , Python Development Tools , Python Gui Development , python ide , python4delphi , RAD Studio , REPL , spyder , Sublime Text , Tech Partner , thonny , ultraedit , Vim , virtual box , Visual Studio Code , VSCode , windows
Hagop Panosian
Delphi integrates with more than one language. InterBase is compatible with a dozen or more. Delphi’s recent introduction of Python libraries have enabled the two languages to work well together, but the one language that’s… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , Delphi , How-To's , Productivity
Adam Leone
Welcome to an exciting journey of becoming a great Python developer. Python is such a compelling language to learn and master these days. It is an already prevalent tool for data science and machine learning,… … Read more
3 years ago in Apache Groovy , Atom , C++ , Code , Delphi , Delphi4Python , Emacs , IDE , IDLE , java , Kotlin , Notepad , pascal , plugin , pycharm , Pydev , PyScripter , Python Development Tool , Python Development Tools , Python Gui Development , python ide , python4delphi , RAD Studio , REPL , spyder , Sublime , Text , thonny , ultraedit , Vim , VSCode
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, Today we have posts that answer a lot of questions about the business of writing C++ software, how to get the best from a C++ IDE, and a comparison of C++ compilers…. … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , c++ software , Code , compiler , components , deployment , GetIt Package Manager , IDE , msix , programming , strings , Unicode Strings , windows , Words
Yılmaz Yörü
C++ is arguably the most powerful programming language as well as being one of the world’s most popular. It has many pre-defined functions, and libraries which make writing modern, robust C++ a breeze. Using a… … Read more
3 years ago in Best Compiler , C++ , C++ Compiler , Clang , CLANG Compiler , Code , compiler , cpp , IDE , programming
It’s hard to ignore the huge success that Microsoft has had in encouraging users to adopt Windows. Even today with competition from Linux, macOS and even more esoteric device choices such as Chromebooks with their… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , C++ Builder , Delphi , delphi firemonkey , delphi vcl , delphi windows development , dev-c++ , Embarcadero Dev-C++ , finalbuilder , innosetup , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , ultraedit , win32 api , windows , windows tools for developers
Yılmaz Yörü
When you develop a C++ App, these useful quick tips from Embarcadero C++ MVP Yılmaz Yörü will speed you on your way to creating truly useful and responsive UI designs for your users and top-notch… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , c++ app , C++ Tips , Clang , Code , Form Size , Orientation , Predefined macros , programming , Quick Tips , Responsive Design , Screen Size , Tips for Development , Tips for Programming , UI Design
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, This we will teach how to build a simple and modern chatbot C++ app. In another post, we will teach more details about using breakpoints. Still, if you don’t know the difference… … Read more
3 years ago in Breakpoint , C++ , c++ app , C++ Apps , C++ Builder IDE , C++ Compiler , cast operator , casting , Chat bot , Chatbot , Code , compiler , const_cast , Download C++ , IDE , include , Types of Breakpoints
Windows app development is quite a large subject when you go beyond just scratching the surface. There are several different kinds of Windows app development beyond just the regular GUI application. In this article we… … Read more
3 years ago in apache web development , C++ , cbuilder , cgi web app , Delphi , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , web server app development , windows , windows 11 development , Windows Development , windows service programming
Adam Leone
Despite the release of Windows 11 back in October 2021, Windows 10 is still the most popular version of the operating system. Although most people will update, many may avoid updating due to software compatibility… … Read more
3 years ago in android , C++ , C++ Builder , clean code , Code , Delphi , IDE , native windows development , object pascal , Productivity , programming , RAD Studio , Refactoring , software , Software Engineering , Source Code , windows , windows 10 development , Windows 11 , Windows Development
Hagop Panosian
Click here to save your seat RAD Studio 11 Alexandria has been a significant and very well received release. Landmark changes to the IDE and support for high-DPI 4k+ screens have completely changed the app… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , Delphi , News , RAD Studio , Webinar