Yılmaz Yörü
You may know C or C++ from college and want to develop apps, games and AI applications, but are unsure if what you learned suffices to help you reach your goal. How can you shift… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, IDE, News, RAD Studio0
Yılmaz Yörü
Use Modern GUI Forms Modern C++ compilers with IDE (Visual C++, C++ Builder, Objective-C, Android Studio, etc.) use a graphical interface by operating system behaviors of the application compiled. Console-based applications are good, but in… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, IDE, News, RAD Studio0
Yılmaz Yörü
Adopt the latest standards C++ is a great programming language with it’s standards dating from 1998. The C++ standard is not about teaching how to use C++; it is a formal and very detailed technical… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, IDE, News, RAD Studio0
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Do you want to add live exchange rates features to your applications ? You can easily get exchange rates in our C++ Builder and Delphi applications by using exchangerates API from the exchangeratesapi.io that is… … Read more
4 years ago in C++0
David Intersimone
ISOCpp.org ran a C++ developer survey “lite” for the past week. You can find the PDF survey results on the site at https://isocpp.org/blog/2021/04/results-summary-2021-annual-cpp-developer-survey-lite More than 1800 C++ developers responded to the survey. Here are a… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, C++ Programming, cbuilder, Code, Developer Survey, ISO C++0
Ummul Khair
A lambda expression defines an anonymous function or a closure at the point where it is used. You can think of a lambda expression as an unnamed function (that’s why it’s called “anonymous”). Lambda expressions… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, C++11 Lambda, c++17, cbuilder, Code, lambda expressions, modern c++0
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Builder Developers, We have great new C++ Builder post picks from the LearnCPlusPlus.org website on the basics of connectivity to different database systems. Do you want to learn how to connect to MySQL Server… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, C++ Builder, compile, InterBase, MYSQL, PostgreSql, RAD Studio0