Have you ever thought about automating repetitive QuickBooks accounting tasks through Delphi or C++ Builder? If yes, this post helps you to quickly get started with QuickBooks automation development. As a reminder, QuickBooks is accounting… … Read more
4 years ago in accounting , Automation , C++ , C++ Builder , Delphi , qbconnector , quickbooks , quickbooks integrator , vcl , windows
Developers spend most of their time debugging and finding issues by analyzing the log. And there are lots of different logging frameworks available. RAD Studio developers also have several options to go. One of the… … Read more
4 years ago in android , C++ , Debug , Delphi , ios , linux , log , logging , macos , object pascal , programming , tms logging , windows
If you would like to have map functionalities in your FMX and VCL applications, you should check out the advanced WebGMaps component by TMSSoftware. What features does WebGMaps have? With the WebGMaps component set, you… … Read more
4 years ago in C++ , c++builder google maps , Delphi , FMX , google , google maps api , google maps delphi , integrate maps fmx , object pascal , programming , vcl , vcl google maps
The Software Development world is big and thousands of different technologies, standards are built for every problem. For instance, schema standards like BizTalk, SEF, Bots, and Altova to work with Electronic data interchange. IPWorks X12… … Read more
4 years ago in altova , biztalk , C++ , C++ Builder , Delphi , delphi vcl , edi , ipworks , object pascal , sef , windows , x12 , x12 document
David Millington
The linker is a core part of the C++Builder toolchain – after all, it’s the part that collects the compiler’s output and creates your final binary, so it’s hard to understate its importance! – and… … Read more
4 years ago in 10.4.2 , C++ , cbuilder , Debugger , IDE , linker , memory , News , RAD Studio
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Builder Developers, We have more post picks for you from the web site, here we listed some of interesting posts from February. If you are beginner or want to jump in to… … Read more
4 years ago in 3D Simulation , Bubble Sort , C++ , C++ tutorial , Code , learn c++ , Linked List , Merge Sort , Optimization , Quick Sort , RAD Studio , tutorial
Native applications feel really good. You know what I am saying! They look nice and work better. And no flickering or eating lots of memory. With Delphi and C++ Builder you can build cross-platform native… … Read more
4 years ago in C++ , C++ Builder , cross-platform , Delphi , FireMonkey , FMX , iCloud delphi , ios , macos , mcl , object pascal , programming
Most of the developers already familiar with HTTP web services. HTTP is a synchronous protocol so the client waits for the server to respond which comes at the cost of poor scalability. And synchronous communication… … Read more
4 years ago in android , C++ , C++ Builder , Delphi , FireMonkey , FMX , ios , iot , linux , macos , MQTT , object pascal , programing , TMS , vcl
FlexCel is one of the most powerful and extensive component suites for native Excel report & file generation with VCL and FireMonkey. It supports more than 300 Excel functions for calculation. The best thing is… … Read more
4 years ago in android , C++ , c++ builder vcl , Delphi , delphi excel api , excel file manipulation , FMX , ios , linux , macos , object pascal , programming , vcl , vcl excel , windows
FastReport VCL & FMX – is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports swiftly and efficiently. FastReport gives all the essential tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting… … Read more
4 years ago in C++ , database , Delphi , fast report fmx , fast report vcl , FMX , generate reports delphi , linux , macos , object pascal , report generator , vcl , windows
Celebrating Delphi's 26th Anniversary
Relyze Desktop lets you reverse engineer, decompile and diff x86, x64, ARM32 and ARM64 software, allowing you to understand and visualize how native code software operates. Developed with C++ Builder, we… The post #Delphi26th: Relyze Desktop:… … Read more
4 years ago in arm32 , arm64 , C++ , C++ Builder , cbuilder , compile , Delphi , delphi26 , programming , reverse engineer , Showcase , vcl , windows