VCL is one of the best frameworks for Windows development in Desktop development. VCL contains a wide variety of visual, non-visual, and utility classes for tasks such as Windows application building, web applications, database, and console… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, c++ builder vcl, Delphi, delphi vcl, orpheus for vcl, Productivity, programming, vcl, windows, windows 10 development
Embarcadero Admin
See first hand how to develop faster with the extra features included in the RAD Studio Architect edition, including Aqua Data Studio, Sencha Ext JS, Ranorex. This low code RAD demo includes the development of… … Read more
4 years ago in android, architect, C++, cbuilder, Delphi, ios, linux, macos, programming, RAD Studio, windows
Yılmaz Yörü
Hey, beginners, new C++ Developers, or Developers who want jump into the awesome C++ Builder world. C++ Builder is the easiest and fastest C and C++ IDE for building simple or professional modern applications on… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, C++ Builder, C++ tutorial, c++11, c++17, cbuilder, components, Hello World, İntroduction, ios, learn c++, modern c++, programming, RAD Studio, tutorial, windows
Back in 2017, while I was participating in an educational applications contest in central Asia, as a high school student, I have utilized Delphi and some VCL styles in my application. With just one VCL… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, c++ builder vcl, Delphi, delphi vcl, native, object pascal, programming, VCL Styles, vcl ui, windows
Eli M. (MVP)
Modern CPUs like the AMD Ryzen 9 5950x with their 16 cores and 32 threads offer a significant productivity boost when developing C++ projects for Windows. As we saw in the previous post (Compile 1… … Read more
4 years ago in 5950x, amd 5950x, C++, cbuilder, Delphi, parallel, parallel build, parallel compile, programming, RAD Studio, ryzen 9, TwineCompile, windows
Azfar Bakht
The strength of Delphi combined with Python gives its users the chance to fast track their development processes and deliver excellent applications with ease! This tutorial helps you accomplish that and more. With Python4Delphi (P4D) you can…… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, cbuilder, Delphi, DelphiVCL, Learn Python, learn python gui, Python, python gui, Python GUI Frameworks, Python Strings, python windows, python4delphi, PythonExpression, PythonGUI, PythonModules, PythonScript in VCL, windows
RAD Studio has its internet components available to utilize on any platform. For instance, TNetHTTPClient and TNetHTTPRequest components which are native HTTP components available for Delphi and C++Builder developers. Or most known, Indy components. But,… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, Delphi, FTP, HTTP, imap, internet programming, JSON, nntp, oauth, object pascal, programming, rest json, sftp, SMTP, SOAP, windows
Pabitra Dash
Given some class C with a data member m, the current standard makes it ill-formed to refer to m in sizeof expressions without providing an object. For example, uses such as sizeof(C::m) (outside of C) or sizeof(m) (in a static member of C) are ill-formed…. … Read more
4 years ago in C++, cbuilder, Code, Extending sizeof, IDE, learn c++, programming, RAD Studio, sizeof, sizeof operator, windows
When I think about Delphi and C++ Builder, the first thing that comes to my mind is powerful third party components that interface with almost everything. Or the syntax we have which is like writing… … Read more
4 years ago in bluetooth, C++, c++ builder iot, Delphi, delphi iot, heart rate monitor, iot components delphi, object pascal, programming, thingconnect iot, windows
No developer doesn’t know WebSocket API. WebSocket API is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open a two-way interactive communication session among the user’s browser and a server. With this WebSocket API, you… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, c++builder websockets, Delphi, delphi websockets, ipworks websockets, object pascal, programming, websockets, websockets api, windows
Pabitra Dash
Regarding virtual overrides, C++11 tends to tighten the rules, so as to detect some problems that often arise. In order to achieve this goal C++11 introduces two new contextual keywords: final specifies that a method cannot… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, cbuilder, Clang, Code, Explicit virtual overrides, Final, learn c++, override, programming, RAD Studio, Virtual, windows
Last few years, we can see that many amazing and visually stunning FireMonkey and VCL styles have been developed. With these kinds of styles, you can take your user experience of the application to next… … Read more
4 years ago in android, C++, Delphi, FireMonkey, firemonkey styles, firemonkey ui, ios, linux, macos, object pascal, programming, RAD Studio, windows
Embarcadero Admin
Similar to Windows themes, VCL styles make it easy to radically change the appearance of your VCL applications, giving your application that extra level of polish and professionalism. Thanks to the Per Control VCL Styles… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, Delphi, Design, Layout, News, object pascal, programming, RAD Studio, Styles, VCL Styles, Video, windows, Windows 10
Pabitra Dash
Extern templates is a feature supported by both BCC32 and the Clang-enhanced C++ compilers. Using extern templates thus reduces both compilation time and the size of the compiled module. This feature is part of the new C++11… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, cbuilder, Code, Explicit Instantiation and Declaration, extern, extern Template Usage, Extern templates, learn c++, programming, RAD Studio, windows