1VOTES VOTE Decorator Design Pattern in Delphi. Multiple Decorations Yanniel In my previous post I introduced the decorator design pattern to you. I used a fairly simple example (a silly example if you wish) in order to give you a flavour of the pattern. I… … Read more 13 years ago in Computers, Delphi, Delphi Programming, Design Patterns, Object Pascal Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, programming, Structural patterns 0
1VOTES VOTE Decorator Design Pattern in Delphi. Single decoration Yanniel Decorator (also referred as Wrapper) is classified by GoF as a structural pattern. Its purpose is to:“Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.”&nb… … Read more 14 years ago in Computers, Delphi, Delphi Programming, Design Patterns, Object Pascal Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, programming, Structural patterns 0
1VOTES VOTE Anonymous Methods in Delphi Yanniel Under the scope of Delphi, an anonymous method is either a procedure or function that’s unattached to an identifier. In other words, anonymous methods don’t have names, which is why they are called “anonymous”.Basically, you… … Read more 14 years ago in Computers, Delphi, Delphi Programming, Object Pascal Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, programming 0
1VOTES VOTE Hide the utter "Create" constructor of TObject in Delphi Yanniel In Delphi, constructors can be inherited; this doesn’t happen in Java, C# and C++ for example. Furthermore, constructors in Delphi can have multiple and different names; usually they are called Create, but this is just… … Read more 14 years ago in Computers, Delphi, Delphi Programming, Object Pascal Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, programming 0