Embarcadero is having a Delphi online event in November 2020 featuring two FireMonkey sessions. The first session is around a new FireMonkey book called Delphi GUI Programming with FireMonkey by Andrea Magni. The second session…… … Read more
4 years ago in android, Delphi, delphi 10, Delphi 10.4, delphi firemonkey, delphi fmx, DelphiCon, FireMonkey, FMX, IDE, ios, macos, object pascal, osx, programming, windows
The Gorilla3D Framework for FireMonkey has been updated with significant new features and support for Android64 (in addition to Windows). Gorilla3D is a powerful, easy to use, and modern 3D framework for Delphi and C++…… … Read more
4 years ago in 3d, android, cbuilder, commercial, Delphi, delphi 10, delphi 10.4.1, delphi firemonkey, delphi fmx, demo, FireMonkey, FMX, Framework, object pascal, windows
Over on Github there is a sample email client which uses IMAP and SMTP for receiving and sending mail. It has basic features like viewing, composing, and sending mail. Full source code is available and…… … Read more
4 years ago in android, cbuilder, Code Snippet, Delphi, delphi 10, Delphi 10.4, delphi firemonkey, demo, email, example, FireMonkey, FMX, free, imap, ios, linux, macos, object pascal, osx, Showcase, SMTP, Source Code, windows
The latest version for FireMonkey is available in Delphi 10.4.1 and C++Builder 10.4.1. There are a massive number of fixes included which touch all major supported operating systems including Android, IOS, MacOS, Windows, and Linux……. … Read more
4 years ago in android, cbuilder, Delphi, delphi 10, Delphi 10.4, delphi fmx, delphi sydney, FireMonkey, fix, FMX, ios, macos, object pascal, osx, Patch, programming, windows
One of my all time favorite objects in Delphi is TStringList which I have been using for over 20 years. Most apps I write with Delphi usually contain at least one usage of TStringList. I…… … Read more
4 years ago in android, cbuilder, data, Delphi, delphi 10, Delphi 10.4, delphi firemonkey, FireMonkey, ios, LiveBindings, macos, object pascal, osx, programming, RTL, windows
It is possible to build multiple Delphi projects at the same time using MSBuild and utilize the multiple cores on most modern CPUs. I had a need to build a large number of Delphi projects…… … Read more
5 years ago in cbuilder, Delphi, delphi 10, delphi 10.3.3, delphi firemonkey, FireMonkey, FMX, IDE, LiveBindings, object pascal, parallel build, Showcase, utility, windows
Delphi Firemonkey lets you quickly build out prototype apps very quickly and deploy them to Android, IOS, OSX, Windows, Linux, and HTML5. I put together this Emoji Easter Eggs builder app over a couple days…… … Read more
5 years ago in android, builder, Delphi, delphi 10, delphi 10.3, delphi firemonkey, delphi rio, demo, easter, easter egg, egg, emoji, FireMonkey, FMX, HTML5, ios, linux, LiveBindings, Mac, object pascal, osx, Showcase, windows
Delphi is celebrating it’s 25th Anniversary this year and I am going to outline 25 different Delphi FireMonkey demos which should run cross platform on Android, IOS, OSX, Windows, Linux, and HTML5. The main repo…… … Read more
5 years ago in android, cbuilder, cross-platform, Delphi, delphi 10, delphi 10.3, delphi firemonkey, demo, FireMonkey, free, HTML5, ios, linux, Mac, object pascal, osx, Source Code, windows
RAD Studio 10.3.3 Rio (Delphi + C++Builder) has been released with some significant enhancements to the Firemonkey framework. 10.3.3 includes a new Android 64-bit compiler to satisfy new Google Play requirements for deployment. This means…… … Read more
5 years ago in android, cbuilder, Delphi, delphi 10, delphi 10.3.3, delphi firemonkey, FireMonkey, fix, HTML5, IDE, ios, linux, macos, object pascal, osx, Update, windows
There are 50 new cross platform samples for Delphi 10.3 Rio FireMonkey available over on Github. The demos heavily feature low code ways of using components to do more with less code. The samples cover…… … Read more
5 years ago in android, cbuilder, Delphi, delphi 10, delphi 10 rio, delphi 10.3, delphi firemonkey, delphi rio, demo, FireMonkey, FMX, HTML5, ios, linux, Mac, macos, object pascal, osx, Sample, Showcase, Source Code, windows
Developer David Nottage has released a free IDE Expert plus MacOS companion app for Delphi 10.3.2 to enhance the management of SDKs within the IDE, enhance the management of PAServer on MacOS, and tweak IOS…… … Read more
5 years ago in android, Delphi, delphi 10, delphi 10.3, delphi firemonkey, delphi rio, expert, FireMonkey, FMX, free, IDE, ios, Mac, macos, object pascal, osx, PAServer, utility, windows
RAD Studio 10.3.2 Rio (Delphi + C++Builder) has been released with some significant enhancements to the Firemonkey framework. 10.3.2 includes a new MacOSX 64-bit compiler to satisfy new Apple requirements for desktop development. Shortly before…… … Read more
5 years ago in android, cbuilder, Delphi, delphi 10, delphi 10.3.2. delphi rio, delphi firemonkey, FireMonkey, FMX, HTML5, IDE, ios, linux, Mac, object pascal, osx, windows