Celebrating Delphi's 26th Anniversary
Itaocara is an app built in Delphi which shows companies in Itaocara RJ, Brazil opened or closed status because of COVID 19 and it is built with Delphi. It lists… The post #Delphi26th: Itaocara: COVID… … Read more
4 years ago in android, business, covid, Delphi, delphi26, FireMonkey, FMX, google play, object pascal, programming, Showcase
Celebrating Delphi's 26th Anniversary
“DumbCy” is a charades game played with movie names and it is developed in Delphi for Android. According to the developer, “A whole fresh way of playing dumb charades with… The post #Delphi26th: Delphi Displays… … Read more
4 years ago in android, charades, Delphi, delphi26, FMX, Game, gaming, object pascal, programming, Showcase
Celebrating Delphi's 26th Anniversary
Creature, by Kenthor Games, is a creature management application halfway between Pokémon and Tamagotchi with 27 creatures included in 3 evolution trees (Fire, Plant, Water). The app is built in… The post #Delphi26th: Fun Creature… … Read more
4 years ago in android, creature, Delphi, delphi26, FireMonkey, FMX, Game, games, Management, object pascal, pokemon, programming, Showcase, windows
Celebrating Delphi's 26th Anniversary
GIS Field Survey Application for iPad Built in Delphi-FMX. According to the developer, “Mobile Matilda is a mobile GIS application designed for Apple iPad tablet computers. The application operates in… The post #Delphi26th: Delphi Builds… … Read more
4 years ago in Delphi, delphi26, FireMonkey, FMX, GIS, ios, ipad, map layer, Mapping, object pascal, programming, Showcase, tatukgis
Jim McKeeth
How do Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron perform compared to each other, and what’s the best way to make an objective comparison? Embarcadero commissioned a whitepaper to investigate the differences between Delphi, WPF .NET… … Read more
4 years ago in .net framework, comparison, Delphi, Electron, flexibility, FMX, functionality, object pascal, Performance, Productivity, programming, research, vcl, whitepaper, windows, WPF
Jim McKeeth
How do Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron perform compared to each other, and what’s the best way to make an objective comparison? Embarcadero commissioned a whitepaper to investigate the differences between Delphi, WPF .NET Framework,… … Read more
4 years ago in .net framework, comparison, Delphi, Electron, flexibility, FMX, functionality, object pascal, Performance, Productivity, programming, research, vcl, whitepaper, windows, WPF
Jim McKeeth
How do Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron perform compared to each other, and what’s the best way to make an objective comparison? Embarcadero commissioned a whitepaper to investigate the differences between Delphi, WPF .NET… … Read more
4 years ago in .net framework, comparison, Delphi, Electron, flexibility, FMX, functionality, object pascal, Performance, Productivity, programming, research, vcl, whitepaper, windows, WPF
If you would like to have map functionalities in your FMX and VCL applications, you should check out the advanced WebGMaps component by TMSSoftware. What features does WebGMaps have? With the WebGMaps component set, you… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, c++builder google maps, Delphi, FMX, google, google maps api, google maps delphi, integrate maps fmx, object pascal, programming, vcl, vcl google maps
Embarcadero Admin
Alysson Cunha has been programming with Delphi since he was 13, in 2001. His showcase entry (Firecast 8) won the grand prize of the Delphi 26th Showcase Challenge and we interviewed him on everything about… … Read more
4 years ago in adnd, Delphi, delphi ide, developer, dnd, FMX, Game, gaming, interview, linux, macos, object pascal, programming, RAD Studio, Showcase, Stories, table top, Virtual, windows
Jim McKeeth
How do Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron perform compared to each other, and what’s the best way to make an objective comparison? Embarcadero commissioned a whitepaper to investigate the differences between Delphi, WPF .NET… … Read more
4 years ago in .net framework, comparison, Delphi, Electron, flexibility, FMX, functionality, IDE, object pascal, Performance, Productivity, programming, RAD Studio, research, vcl, whitepaper, windows, WPF
Native applications feel really good. You know what I am saying! They look nice and work better. And no flickering or eating lots of memory. With Delphi and C++ Builder you can build cross-platform native… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, C++ Builder, cross-platform, Delphi, FireMonkey, FMX, iCloud delphi, ios, macos, mcl, object pascal, programming
Jim McKeeth
Embarcadero commissioned a whitepaper to investigate the differences between Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron for building Windows desktop applications. The benchmark application – a Windows 10 Calculator clone – was recreated in each framework… … Read more
4 years ago in .net framework, comparison, Delphi, Electron, electron-packager, flexibility, FMX, functionality, ilmerge, object pascal, Packages, Performance, Productivity, programming, RAD Studio, UPX, vcl, whitepaper, windows, WPF
Most of the developers already familiar with HTTP web services. HTTP is a synchronous protocol so the client waits for the server to respond which comes at the cost of poor scalability. And synchronous communication… … Read more
4 years ago in android, C++, C++ Builder, Delphi, FireMonkey, FMX, ios, iot, linux, macos, MQTT, object pascal, programing, TMS, vcl