David Millington
Welcome to a series of tips and tricks for taking advantage of the new Windows 64-bit Modern toolchain in C++Builder / RAD Studio 12.2! This builds on a webinar we did sharing a bunch of… … Read more
2 months ago in 12.2 , auto-linking , autolinking , C++ , cbuilder , Code , How-To's , library , linking , News , Package , RAD Studio , upgrade , windows
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello to all developers. We have introduction-level beginner posts about simple C++ Game development that may help and motivate you to start with developing small games, or maybe inspire your friends and family, or your… … Read more
2 years ago in accelerometer , android , C++ , C++ Builder , cpp , Game , gyroscope , header , library , linux , programming , RAD Studio , switch , windows
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello everyone, we have new great posts about C and C++ coding that may help and motivate you, your kids, or your students to start new apps on Windows, iOS, Android, Linux, iOS, or on… … Read more
2 years ago in C Coding , C Language , C++ , C++ Programming , cbuilder , Code , console app , DLL , do while , Do-While Loops , Dynamic Library , execute , FMX , IDE , library , programming , RAD Studio , RTL , Run , vcl , while , Why C
Yılmaz Yörü
Programming languages have evolved well thanks to the development of the technologies, the availability of education in the technical sciences, and the continuing curiosity of the human mind about searching for and creating new things…. … Read more
2 years ago in C++ , C++ Builder , Code , components , effects , FMX , IDE , library , media , RAD Studio , vcl , Visual C++ , Visual Programming
Embarcadero Admin
The RAD Studio IDE has a package manager called GetIt built in which that allows you to browse, download, purchase, and install packages. Packages provide libraries, components, IDE extensions, SDKs, styles, samples, and more. Packages… … Read more
4 years ago in android , C++ , Component , Delphi , Embarcadero , GetIt , IDE , ios , library , linux , macos , News , programming , RAD Studio , SDK , Tech Partner , tms software , TwineCompile , windows
Sally Peck
TurboPack OnGuard is a copy-protection system for VCL and FMX applications built using Delphi and C++ Builder. In this article, I illustrate using TurboPack OnGuard and an integration with back-end Digital-River’s MyCommerce. Digital River MyCommece… … Read more
4 years ago in Code , Copy-Protection , Delphi , IDE , library , Licensing , object pascal , OnGuard , Open Source , programming , rad server , RAD Studio
Python GUI Admin
Python for Delphi (Python4Delphi , P4D) with Requests library allow you to execute Http requests in Python GUI for Windows. Python4Delphi is a free tool that can run Python scripts, work with new Python types…… … Read more
4 years ago in C++ , Code , Delphi , GuiProgramming , HTTP , Learn Python , library , object pascal , programming , Python , python gui , requests , windows