Story Category: low-code market
20 Fun Facts About The Best Low Code Platforms

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Stack Overflow Delphi
- How do you call RequestPermissions in Delphi 12.2, without compiler errors?
- Delphi JSON library Error on destroying root object
- How can I make a gif play in a TWinControl?
- DelphiMVCFramework: "Route not found" after adding MVCConsumes(TMVCMediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)
- Why does a dynamic array become an incompatible type if placed inside a record or class?
Delphi Reddit
Delphi PRAXiS
Embarcadero GetIt
- TaurusTLS
TaurusTLS provides OpenSSL 1.1 and 3.x support for Indy - Internet Direct.
- TComPortDrv
Non-visual serial I/O component.
- TwineCompile
Cut C++ compile times by up to 50x!
- Bonus Radiant Shapes
Radiant Shapes is a set of graphical FireMonkey controls, now included in RAD Studio.
- Ribbon Classic Controls
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that […]