This is a reply to the article Your Job Is Not to Write Code by +Laura Klein. It IS my job to write code. That code has to meet the expectations of the end users, the product… … Read more
10 years ago in Management, process, programming philosophy, software0
I know these terms to mean different things in different countries or even different organisations so I’ll explain.A Programmer is a person who is given a task and codes that task as it is described…. … Read more
12 years ago in Delphi, Leadership, Management, programming0
Steve Peacocke
(continuing on from “Leading the Highly technical Team”) The thing about leadership is that its such a large subject and there are any number of books and other writings on the subject. The point that… … Read more
15 years ago in Leadership, Management0
Steve Peacocke
Leading a team is definitely challenging but leading a technical team is a very specialised area that is extremely demanding. It is very different to other teams in many ways. A highly technical team is… … Read more
15 years ago in Development Methodologies, Leadership, Management0
Steve Peacocke
A few posts ago I spoke on attending a Cloud Computing seminar put on by NetSuite. Since then I have looked into this a little more and hope to dispel some of the misconceptions of… … Read more
15 years ago in Management0
Steve Peacocke
Few programming teams that I have met really understand how important communication is to their everyday lives. Let me yell this from the highest places I can find – Communication is the most important factor… … Read more
16 years ago in Development Methodologies, Management0