Story Category: notes
#Delphi26th: PhonePad: An Amazing Phone Call And Messaging Manager Developed In Delphi

#Delphi26th: Impressive RightNote Organizer Software Is Made In Delphi

PhonePad: An Amazing Phone Call And Messaging Manager Developed In Delphi

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- Delphi TADOQuery exec for SQL Server stored procedure - exception not caught when multi-column unique index violated
- Enumeration property redeclaration / inheritance with additional value
- How do you call RequestPermissions in Delphi 12.2, without compiler errors?
Delphi Reddit
Delphi PRAXiS
Embarcadero GetIt
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Abbrevia is a compression toolkit for Delphi, C++Builder, Kylix and Free Pascal.Supported on […]
- AWS SDK for Delphi
The Embarcadero Edition of the Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi provides essential AWS features and […]
- SysTools for VCL
Utility routines and classes for Delphi and CBuilder. It includes bar codes, sorting, money […]
- TaurusTLS
TaurusTLS provides OpenSSL 1.1 and 3.x support for Indy - Internet Direct.
- TComPortDrv
Non-visual serial I/O component.