Konstantin Tomov
The Blobs sample shows you how to create a BLOB stream for reading and/or writing the value of a specific BLOB field on a specific record. To this end, the sample uses the CreateBlobStream method of TFDQuery to create a read-only BLOB stream…. … Read more
4 years ago in android, Code, cross-platform, database, Delphi, firedac, ios, linux, macos, object pascal, programming, Query, RAD Studio, windows
Eli M. (MVP)
In October of 2020, Embarcadero sponsored and released a new fork version 6.0 of Dev-C++ with improvements that included an updated GCC 9.2.0 compiler with support for Windows 10 and C++17/C++20, high DPI, UTF8 files… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, cpp, Delphi, dev-cpp, modernization, News, object pascal, programming, whitepaper
Python GUI Admin
Want to know how to evaluate a Python Expression in Delphi using Python4Delphi? Python for Delphi (P4D) is a set of free components that wrap up the Python DLL into Delphi and C++Builder. They let you easily execute…… … Read more
4 years ago in Code, Delphi, GuiProgramming, Learn Python, object pascal, programming, Python, python gui, python4delphi, PythonExpression, RAD Studio, TPythonEngine, TPythonGUIInputOutput, windows
How to wrap Delphi Object to Python Object and using Wrapped objects how to subclass, navigate among forms etc. … Read more
4 years ago in C++, cbuilder, Code, Delphi, object pascal, programming, Python, python4delphi, TPyDelphiWrapper, windows
Eli M. (MVP)
Let’s see if we can take the Delphi compiler to the next level with the latest AMD Ryzen 9 5950x powerhouse CPU featuring 16 cores and 32 threads. According to CPU Benchmark the AMD Ryzen… … Read more
4 years ago in 5950x, amd ryzen 9, Delphi, IDE, MSBUILD, object pascal, parallel, parallel compile, programming, ryzen, ryzen 9, windows
Pabitra Dash
In C++ 11, Variadic templates were explicitly designed to eliminate excessive code repetition in modern template libraries, by providing the ability to express a template that accepts an arbitrary number of parameters in a type-safe… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, cbuilder, Code, partial specialization, programming, RAD Studio, template template parameters, Templates, Variadic templates, windows