In our previous articles about Blockchain, we have explored and learned a lot about the whole Blockchain infrastructure, cryptocurrencies, how to integrate Blockchain APIs into Delphi applications, non-fungible tokens, and more. Is Blockchain’s only application… … Read more
3 years ago in BlockChain, blockchain definition, blockchain explained, blockchain for dummies, Code, crypto prices, cryptocurrency, decentralized app development, defi, defi crypto, Delphi, delphi blockchain programming, delphi ethereum, Ethereum, future of blockchain, learn blockchain, nft, non-fungible token, proof-of-work, RAD Studio, smart contract, what is blockchain, what is blockchain technology
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin use enormous amounts of energy to secure their network. But why are cryptocurrencies so power-hungry and more importantly what are the alternatives? Much of the hardware used to perform the calculations uses… … Read more
3 years ago in BitCoin, BlockChain, blockchain delphi, blockchain in financial industry, Code, cryptocurrency, Delphi, Ethereum, forging, future of blockchain, future of cryptocurrency, integrity with blockchain, mining pool, minting, nft, NFTs, programming, proof-of-stake, proof-of-work, smart contracts, validators