Muhammad Azizul Hakim
What is the Internet Protocol? The Internet Protocol is designed to implement a uniform system of addresses on all of the Internet-connected computers everywhere and to make it possible for packets to travel from one… … Read more
3 years ago in Code , Delphi , HTTP , Internet , Internet Protocols , ipaddress , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , smtplib , urllib , uuid , wsgiref
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
Processing of data is the soul of computing. Almost every single computer ever invented was designed so that human beings could take information in the form of data and manipulate it in one way or… … Read more
3 years ago in Code , database , Delphi , firedac , FireDAC Query , firedac tutorials , InterBase , Key-Value Store , MongoDB , mongoengine , MYSQL , pymongo , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , Redis , redis-py , SQL , sqlalchemy
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
What is Cryptography? According to Kaspersky, Cryptography is the study of communications security techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents. Cryptography is closely associated with encryption,… … Read more
3 years ago in algorithms , Code , Cryptography , decryption , Delphi , Encryption , hashing , hashlib , HMAC , One-Time-Pad , PyCryptodome , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , RSA Key , secrets , Security Token
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
Analyzing time series can be a heavy burden for your apps. The calculations involved can vary from reasonably simple to mind-numbingly complex and doing it the wrong way can bring even a desktop machine to… … Read more
4 years ago in classification , Code , Data Visualizations , Delphi , Forecasting , K-Nearest Neighbors , KNN , Machine Learning , Nitime , PyDSE , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , sktime , statsmodels , Time Series , Time Series Analysis , Time Series Data , tslearn
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
What does image processing mean? According to Gonzalez and Rafael in 2018, Image Processing or Digital Image Processing refers to processing digital images using a digital computer. Note that a digital image is composed of… … Read more
4 years ago in Clustering , Code , Color Quantization , computer vision , deep learning , Delphi , Image processing , K-Means , Mahotas , matplotlib , numpy , Pillow , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , scikit-image , scikit-learn , Skeletonize
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
What is Computer Vision? According to Ballard and Brown in 1982, Computer Vision is an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with how computers can gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos. From the perspective… … Read more
4 years ago in AI , Code , computer vision , deep learning , Delphi , EasyOCR , Face Recognition , Image Segmentation , Image Transformation , keras , Mahotas , OCR , opencv , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
What is Scientific Computing? According to Golub and Ortega in 1992, Scientific Computing is the collection of tools, techniques, and theories required to solve mathematical models of problems in Science and Engineering. A majority of… … Read more
4 years ago in Array Computation , Calculus , Cirq , Code , Delphi , Machine Learning , Mathematics , Multidimensional Array Computation , Numerical Computation , numpy , Predictive Data Analysis , Programming Quantum Computers , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , scientific computing , scikit-learn , scipy , SymPy , theano
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
What is web scraping? Web Scraping is a technique where a computer program extracts data from human-readable output coming from websites. The web scraping software may directly access the World Wide Web using the Hypertext… … Read more
4 years ago in beautifulsoup , Code , data collection , Delphi , Feedparser , Information retrieval , Instagram , Instaloader , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , requests , RSS Feed , Snscrape , Social media , Tweepy , twitter , Web scraping
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
What is data visualization? Data Visualization is an interdisciplinary field that deals with the graphic representation of data. It is a particularly efficient way of communication when the data is diverse and potentially complex. Visualizing… … Read more
4 years ago in Bokeh , Code , data visualization , Delphi , matplotlib , NetworkX , Plotly , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , Seaborn
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
How do I start using Natural Language Processing in Windows? Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of Linguistics, Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence which concerned with the interactions between computers and human language, in… … Read more
4 years ago in analyze syntax , case sensitive , Code , Delphi , find named entities phrases and concepts to any given documents , FlashText , gender classifier , GenSim , keyword extractor , natural language processing , nlp , NLTK , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio , replacing keywords , similarity queries , spaCy , TextBlob
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
How do I start using Machine Learning in Windows? Machine learning isn’t only for the cloud, or run locally in a web browser or command prompt, Microsoft is bringing it to PCs in the latest… … Read more
4 years ago in Code , computer vision , data visualization , deep learning , Delphi , Image processing , keras , Machine Learning , matplotlib , natural language processing , nlp , NLTK , opencv , Pillow , Python , python gui , Python4Dephi , RAD Studio
Jim McKeeth
David I. has a fantastic blog post on using Python4Delphi with C++Builder. This was inspired by our previous webinars on the topic. and is the result of his collaboration with Kiriakos (AKA PyScripter), the maintainer… … Read more
4 years ago in C++ , cbuilder , News , Python , Python4Dephi , Webinar