Cross-Platform languages are not something new. For more than two decades, cross-platform development has been with us, but each programming language and technology evolved differently, adopted different architecture, and offered even more choices to consider. … … Read more
3 years ago in android , best cross-platform framework , best cross-platform programming language , C++ , C++ Builder , cross platform apps , cross-platform , cross-platform desktop development , cross-platform frameworks , Delphi , delphi firemonkey , firemonkey skia , learn delphi , Native App Development , object pascal , programming , python for delphi , python4delphi , RAD Studio , rad studio 11 , windows
Businesses are growing, and new challenges are rising. On the other hand, there is pressure to reduce costs by automating the tasks. The best solution is to lean on custom applications, but it takes a… … Read more
3 years ago in best low-code platforms , C++ , cbuilder , cons of low-code , cross-platform , Delphi , e-commerce , FireMonkey , low code , low code platforms , low-code examples , low-code market , low-code rad studio , low-code tools , No Code , programming , pros of low-code , RAD Studio , windows
Muhammad Azizul Hakim
Did you know it’s easy to make use of some truly excellent Python libraries to super-charge your Delphi app development on Windows? Adding Python to your toolbox of Delphi code can enhance your app development,… … Read more
3 years ago in Code , data visualization , Delphi , learn delphi , Learn Python , matplotlib , matplotlib4d , programming , PyScripter , Python , python4delphi , RAD Studio , scientific computation , TPythonEngine , TPythonGUIInputOutput , TPythonModule , TPythontype , TPythonVersions , windows , windows app
What is the Low-Code, No-Code Movement? As a programmer/developer or an engineer it’s not long now before you will see advertising and articles about no-code or low code development technologies or micro-services available in the… … Read more
3 years ago in apilayer , C++ Builder , Code , cross-platform , Delphi , delphi firemonkey , Delphi Programming , embarcadero delphi , integration , LiveBindings , livebindings designer , low code , No Code , RAD (low/no code) , RAD Studio , RAD Studio 11.1
Yılmaz Yörü
C++ is subjectively the World’s most powerful programming language and consistently one of top four most popular programming languages. Thanks to its huge range of ready-made variables, functions, methods, namespaces, and libraries it’s the do-anything… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , C++ Builder , Code , compiler , cpp , develop windows software , IDE , RAD Studio
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, The great thing about using a modern, professional C++ IDE is all the helpful things it can do to really inject some cool coder energy into your software developer process and help… … Read more
3 years ago in __property , __published , C++ , C++ IDE , cast operator , casting , Code , dynamic_cast , IDE , Integrated Development Environment , Main Menu , New Component , RAD Studio , TMainMenu , TMenuItem , TReflectionEffect
Adam Leone
Alvin Toffler once wrote: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” Ironically, we are in the 21st century, and… … Read more
3 years ago in Academy , Alvin Toffler , C++ , C++ Builder , Code , CodeRage , cross-platform , database , Delhpi , Delhpi Books , Delphi , Delphi Bootcamps , Delphi Certifications , Delphi Praxis , Development , Development On Windows , Documentation , Embarcadero , facebook , FireMonkey , FMX , IDE , java , LinkedIn , Marco Cantu , object pascal , PythonGUI , RAD Studio , Reddit , software , StackOverflow , Tutorials , vcl , windows
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, Today we have some really great article picks for beginners about the best compiler IDE and how to compile C++ apps on Windows. Also, we explain how to operate on the words… … Read more
3 years ago in best , C++ , c++ app , C++ Apps , Code , compile , compiler , components , IDE , msix , pos , RAD Studio , strings
What is an IDE? An integrated development environment (IDE) is an application which provides an integrated set of functions and modules used to create software. The IDE is the central point for code editing, compiling,… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ Builder , code completion , code snippets , cross-compilation , Database Tools , debugging , Delphi , file comparison tool , finding perfect IDE , FireMonkey , firemonkey development , GUI app , gui builder , IDE , IDE theme , programming , RAD Studio , smart code navigation , version control system , what is ide
What, precisely, do we mean by native app development? What is a native user experience or native developer experience? What are the pros of native app development? Why has Native Windows development come storming back… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , C++ Builder , c++ builder firemonkey , cbuilder , Delphi , delphi cross platform development , delphi firemonkey , delphi native windows development , delphi vcl programming , delphi win32 , native development , native windows development , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , visual component library , Win32 , windows , Windows 11 , windows 11 development
Adam Leone
Today is an exciting and dynamic time to be a developer. Technology advances seem to have accelerated and, with this, our software projects seem to paradoxically expand and shrink simultaneously. They expand because more devices… … Read more
3 years ago in artificial intelligence , assembly , Assembly Language , BlockChain , Builds , C++ , Code , Compilation Speed , cross-platform , database , Delphi , desktop apps , Developers , Embarcadero , FireMonkey , FMX , Framework , game engine , History Of Delphi , IDE , InterBase , iot , java , javascript , JVM , low code , Low Code Wizards , microsoft , Native App Development , No Code , One Million Lines Of Code , programming , RAD Studio , software , Tech Partner , vcl , virtual machines , visual component library , Web Apps , windows , Windows 10 App Development
Richard Hatherall
Email seems so old now when considering all the messaging options available. It is old, 50+ years old! It’s been the lifeblood of many business processes and is still as important today as it ever… … Read more
3 years ago in amazon , amazon ses , Cloud , cloud api , Cloud Computing , components , Delphi , email , GetIt , GetIt Package Manager , programming , RAD Studio , Tech Partner
Windows 11 marks a visual evolution of the Windows operating system. As Windows moves forward, customers set a higher bar for desktop applications and massive demand for Windows app development. These customer expectations can be:… … Read more
3 years ago in cross-platform desktop development , Delphi , delphi firemonkey , delphi vcl programming , IDE , native windows development , object pascal , RAD Studio , rad studio 11 , win32 programming , windows 11 development , windows app development , Windows Development , windows programming basics , windows programming in delphi
Yılmaz Yörü
C++ is probably the most powerful programming language and one of the world’s most popular programming languages with many variables, functions, methods, namespaces and libraries to help you solve a multitude of problems. Using a… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , C++ Builder , C++ Code Editor , C++ Example , C++ IDE , Code , develop windows software , IDE , programming , RAD Studio , Simple Application , Simple C++ , Visual C++ , Visual C++ Example