Adam Leone
Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language which was first launched 31 years ago. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and excellent libraries. It consistently appears in lists of the top programming languages, so… … Read more
3 years ago in Apache Groovy , Atom , C++ , Code , Delphi , Delphi4Python , Electron , Emacs , Free IDLE , IDE , java , Kotlin , Notepad , Open Source , pascal , plugin , pycharm , Pydev , PyScripter , Python Development Tool , Python Development Tools , Python Gui Development , python ide , python4delphi , RAD Studio , REPL , spyder , Sublime Text , Tech Partner , thonny , ultraedit , Vim , virtual box , Visual Studio Code , VSCode , windows
In our previous articles about Blockchain, we have explored and learned a lot about the whole Blockchain infrastructure, cryptocurrencies, how to integrate Blockchain APIs into Delphi applications, non-fungible tokens, and more. Is Blockchain’s only application… … Read more
3 years ago in BlockChain , blockchain definition , blockchain explained , blockchain for dummies , Code , crypto prices , cryptocurrency , decentralized app development , defi , defi crypto , Delphi , delphi blockchain programming , delphi ethereum , Ethereum , future of blockchain , learn blockchain , nft , non-fungible token , proof-of-work , RAD Studio , smart contract , what is blockchain , what is blockchain technology
Desktop applications were the primary approach to building software systems. They were all desktop applications, whether they developed utility, a small tool, or a complex architected app. Then Internet technologies started to shape the development… … Read more
3 years ago in Delphi , delphi fluent apps , delphi native development , Development On Windows , object pascal , programming , programming productivity , RAD Studio , windows , windows 11 fluent app development , windows desktop development , windows desktop programming , windows native development , winui , winui 3
Adam Leone
Welcome to an exciting journey of becoming a great Python developer. Python is such a compelling language to learn and master these days. It is an already prevalent tool for data science and machine learning,… … Read more
3 years ago in Apache Groovy , Atom , C++ , Code , Delphi , Delphi4Python , Emacs , IDE , IDLE , java , Kotlin , Notepad , pascal , plugin , pycharm , Pydev , PyScripter , Python Development Tool , Python Development Tools , Python Gui Development , python ide , python4delphi , RAD Studio , REPL , spyder , Sublime , Text , thonny , ultraedit , Vim , VSCode
It’s hard to ignore the huge success that Microsoft has had in encouraging users to adopt Windows. Even today with competition from Linux, macOS and even more esoteric device choices such as Chromebooks with their… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , C++ Builder , Delphi , delphi firemonkey , delphi vcl , delphi windows development , dev-c++ , Embarcadero Dev-C++ , finalbuilder , innosetup , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , ultraedit , win32 api , windows , windows tools for developers
Delphi RTL (Runtime Library) contains a mighty expression engine, one of the foundations of the LiveBindings architecture but can be utilized as a separate engine for processing expressions. It’s this kind of low-code super-charged feature which… … Read more
3 years ago in cbuilder , data binding , Delphi , delphi livebindings , delphi vcl , expression engine , ide software , LiveBindings , livebindings designer , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , rad studio 11 , tcontrollist , windows
Windows app development is quite a large subject when you go beyond just scratching the surface. There are several different kinds of Windows app development beyond just the regular GUI application. In this article we… … Read more
3 years ago in apache web development , C++ , cbuilder , cgi web app , Delphi , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , web server app development , windows , windows 11 development , Windows Development , windows service programming
Ian Barker
The slides for the Picking “The Best UI Framework for Windows 11 Development webinar are here: This blog post will be updated with the replay shortly after the webinar has finished. … … Read more
3 years ago in Delphi , firemonkey styles , gui , IDE , programming , RAD Studio , Skia4Delphi , Styles , VCL Styles , Windows 11 , windows 11 development
Adam Leone
Despite the release of Windows 11 back in October 2021, Windows 10 is still the most popular version of the operating system. Although most people will update, many may avoid updating due to software compatibility… … Read more
3 years ago in android , C++ , C++ Builder , clean code , Code , Delphi , IDE , native windows development , object pascal , Productivity , programming , RAD Studio , Refactoring , software , Software Engineering , Source Code , windows , windows 10 development , Windows 11 , Windows Development
Hagop Panosian
Click here to save your seat RAD Studio 11 Alexandria has been a significant and very well received release. Landmark changes to the IDE and support for high-DPI 4k+ screens have completely changed the app… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , Delphi , News , RAD Studio , Webinar
There are dozens of windows software makers; the powerful tools and programming languages used to create Windows GUI applications. Most of them require you to write thousands of lines to do even the simplest, most… … Read more
3 years ago in C++ , cbuilder , Delphi , desktop development , FireMonkey , firemonkey mobile , firemonkey windows , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , rad studio 11 , RAD Studio IDE , windows , Windows software maker , Windows Software Makers
Adam Leone
There are many benefits of using clean code for native windows development, but increased productivity might be the most important. A productive development tool will save developers time and effort. Moreover, it will also minimize… … Read more
3 years ago in Bloatware , C++ , C++ Builder , clean code , Code , CoPilot , cpu , Delphi , Delphi RAD Studio , Developers , Development , Electron , Free Software , github , Hardware , IDE , javascript , Moore's Law , native windows development , Open Source , Performance Productivity , programming , RAD Studio , ram , Schrödinger's Cat , software , Software Engineering , Tech Partner , WebPage
Adam Leone
If you carry out native development on windows for a living, clean coding can add fun and enjoyment to your job. Let us explore some fun facts about clean code windows program development. 1. Why… … Read more
3 years ago in Best Coders , C++ , clean code , COBOL , Code , Delphi , Delphi RAD Studio , Development On Windows , FORTRAN , IDE , java , Low Code Application Development , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , Software Designing , Software Developer , Software Engineering , Windows Development