OpenCV is a cross-platform library that can be utilized to develop real-time computer vision applications. It principally concentrates on image processing, video capturing, and analysis. The best part is there is the Delphi-OpenCV library for… … Read more
4 years ago in computer vision , computer vision delphi , Delphi , delphi ai , delphi opencv , object pascal , opencv , opencv delphi , programming , RAD Studio , vcl , windows
Konstantin Tomov
The xDBMS sample shows you how use the TFDLocalSQL class to implement a cross-DBMS query application. To this end, each queryable dataset must be registered with the Local SQL engine using the DataSets collection property.Note: The Local SQL feature allows executing SQL commands, where… … Read more
4 years ago in android , Code , Delphi , firedac , ios , linux , macos , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , SQL , SQLite , windows
You can rapidly build and deploy services-based applications with RAD Server. And you get pre-built Docker images for RAD Server on Linux available from Docker Hub. This means you can deploy your services on Azure, AWS,… … Read more
4 years ago in database , Delphi , field services demo , free , InterBase , object pascal , openapi , programming , rad server , rad server rest , rad server template , RAD Studio , REST , rest api , Source Code , swagger , template , windows
When you become friends with RAD Studio and RAD Server, you will have a superpower and, you become a 10X engineer because with RAD Server you can easily create complex and scalable services-based applications with high productivity. With… … Read more
4 years ago in API , Delphi , free , hospitality sample delphi , object pascal , programming , rad server , rad server ems , rad server rest , RAD Studio , REST , Source Code , swagger , template , windows
With the power of the Delphi programming language and the cross-platform FireMonkey framework, dozens of Delphi developers have created their own custom FireMonkey UI components to accomplish their goals, for instance, the TBadgeView component which… … Read more
4 years ago in android , Delphi , delphi firemonkey , FireMonkey , firemonkey components , firemonkey ui classes , ios , linux , macos , object pascal , programing , RAD Studio , windows
Konstantin Tomov
The Sample is using the “Custom” list view item appearance value and configuring the appearance properties of list view items at design time. It also shows how to do this at run time. When you… … Read more
4 years ago in android , Code , database , Delphi , FMX , ios , linux , listitem , ListView , macos , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , windows
Konstantin Tomov
The Async sample shows you how to use the IFDPhysCommand interface to configure the different asynchronous execution modes. To this end, the sample uses a group of four radio buttons. Each radio button sets the Options.ResourceOptions.CmdExecMode property of the IFDPhysCommand interface to one of… … Read more
4 years ago in Code , database , Delphi , firedac , IFDPhysCommand , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , SQL , windows
Konstantin Tomov
FastMath is a Delphi math library from developer Erik van Bilsen who is Co Founder and Software Developer at Grijjy, inc. It is optimized for fast performance but that performance sometimes comes from not doing… … Read more
4 years ago in android , Code , Delphi , fast , ios , macos , math , Maths , object pascal , Performance , programming , RAD Studio , windows
Konstantin Tomov
The sample consists of an EMS package that loads a new resource into the EMS Server provided with RAD Studio. The demo uses FireDAC components to access the Interbase database employee.gdb. The connection parameters are defined… … Read more
4 years ago in API , Attributes , Code , Delphi , Documentation , linux , object pascal , programming , rad server , RAD Studio , REST , swagger , windows
Unit Testing is a type of software testing where specific units or segments of the software are tested. The goal is to validate that each unit of the software code executes as expected. Unit Testing… … Read more
4 years ago in android , Delphi , delphi unit testing , DUnitX , dunitx framework , ios , linux , macos , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , Unit Testing , windows
Konstantin Tomov
The main form of the Sample contains a TWebBrowser component that supports the basic functions of a web browser, such as: navigate to URL, go back and go forward. Location You can find the WebBrowser sample project at: Start… … Read more
4 years ago in android , Code , cross-platform , Delphi , FMX , html , ios , object pascal , programming , RAD Studio , Web browser , windows