1VOTES VOTE Debunking the Delphi 7 Myths Cobus Kruger In my last post on why you really should upgrade from Delphi 7, I seem to have upset a number of people. Some were very angry, some were moderate. Some were eloquent. Most of them… … Read more 16 years ago in Delphi, delphi 7, drunken-philosophy, Opinion Piece, reasons-to-upgrade 0
1VOTES VOTE Why you really should upgrade from Delphi 7 Cobus Kruger Delphi 7 is probably the most popular version of Delphi that has ever shipped. So much so that several developers staunchly stand by their favourite of many years and refuse to move up. But Delphi… … Read more 16 years ago in Delphi, delphi 7, drunken-philosophy, Opinion Piece, reasons-to-upgrade 0