Celebrating Delphi's 26th Anniversary
Piptermob connects with the desktop application Pipitedz, which lets you control your desktop from your phone and the app is built in Delphi. According to the developer, “Delphi IOT tethering… The post #Delphi26th: Fun Piptermob… … Read more
4 years ago in android, bluetooth, Delphi, delphi26, iot, object pascal, programming, remote control, Showcase, wifi
Thierry Grassia
What is IoT? The IoT term defines the concept of internet-connected physical devices that can send and/or receive data. To exchange data easily, a protocol of communication must be used in order of any devices… … Read more
4 years ago in C++, Code, Delphi, iot, iot components delphi, Machine To Machine, MQTT, network, remote control, tms software