Yılmaz Yörü
Hello Developers, C++ is one of the oldest and stronger programming language. It has many functions and methods to manipulate strings and doing string operations as fast as possible in your C++ software. These options… … Read more
3 years ago in at(), back, C++, c++ software, capacity, Code, compare, cpp, Delphi, empty, file, front, IDE, length, max_size, programming, RAD Studio, read wstring, reserve, shrink_to_fit, size, std::string, std::wstring, string, strings, wide string, Wide Strings, write wstring, wstringstream
Yılmaz Yörü
Hello C++ Developers, This week is another great week. The new RAD Studio 11, C++ Builder 11, Delphi 11 are released with great new features and according to our tests on the most of examples of LearnCPlusPlus.org are working well… … Read more
3 years ago in absolute path, C++, Code, Combine, CreateDirectory, current directory, DOS Commands, ForceDirectories, free, full path, GetCurrentDir, GetFullPath, GetTempPath, MkDir, Path, programming, Relative Path, size, system commands, Temp Directory