David Intersimone "David I"
Here are a few technology news stories that I’ve read in the past week or so. Microsoft’s 10 app store principles to promote choice, fairness and innovation For software developers, app stores have become a… … Read more
4 years ago in AI, apple, Apple Watch, C++, C++ Programming, Chromebook, Cloud Computing, Developer Tools, Frameworks, github, google, HoloLens, java, microsoft, NASA, NVidia, Oracle, PostMan, Programming Languages, Python, Raspberry PI, SDKs and APIs, Section 230, Technology News
David Intersimone "David I"
There’s lots of ISO C++ news and content happening including the unanimous voting approval of ISO C++20, CppCon2020 (starts Monday September 13, 2020) with Bjarne Stroustrup’s opening keynote “The Power and Beauty of Primitive C++”,… … Read more
4 years ago in Boost libraries, C++, C++ News, C++ Programming, c++17, C++20, cbuilder, CppCon2020, ISO C++, Technology News, vcl