Delphi 4, released in the summer of 1998, was one of the most notorious Delphi releases ever. The initial release contained a large number of serious bugs, and it later became clear that the release… … Read more
17 years ago in hack, TDM, Win320
The Russian Delphi programmer Sergey Antonov (or Антонов Сергей – aka. 0xffff) is a real hacker in the positive sense. He approached me with some intriguing assembly code that implements the equivalent of the C# yield statement!… … Read more
17 years ago in hack, Win320
As part of the new language syntax inherited from Delphi.NET, native Delphi now (since Delphi 2005) supports for-in loops (known as foreach in C#). The new syntax is easy to read, and it reduces the clutter of… … Read more
17 years ago in D2007, Win320